It's Nearly Mabon

Mabon is the sabbat for March and it is my favourite sabbat. I think it is because I was born close to Mabon and have always loved Autumn. It’s also because the first of the harvest is coming in, I can go out to the garden and pick fresh veg. It’s because it is also getting cooler, the nights are shorter (I am really not a fan of summer) and around this time my Mum will start making pumpkin soup (the best there ever was and ever will be). I’m not sure why I’ve always loved this season, it has always called to me more than the others and I can’t wait for Autumn to get into full swing. I especially love it when our Oak’s leaves change, as does a tree in our front yard – not sure what it is but it goes from green to red and orange in an impressive display……

(Above is a photo of it from last year)

I really do love Autumn.

So now to Mabon? When is it and what is it all about? Well Mabon is on or around March 21 in the Southern Hemisphere (Sep 21st Northern), is the Autumn Equinox and the completion of the harvest begun as Lughnasadh.  Once again day and night are equal, poised as the God prepares to leave His physical body and begin the great adventure into the unseen, toward renewal and rebirth of the Goddess.

Nature declines, draws back its bounty, readying for Winter and its time of rest. The Goddess nods in the weakening Sun, though fire burns within Her womb.  She feels the presence of the God even as He wanes. The Goddess calls to the Green Man. It is time to prepare for Winter. She instructs Him to withdraw into the Cave of Transformation. He does as He is bade, and when He arises from His sleep, He is strong and healthy once more. Upon His crown, he wears a stately set of antlers. He calls to Him the horned ones of field and forest, and the year travels on to begin again.
