Round the Garden

Little Crocus' in the garden, randomly popping up each year.

The wild Black Nightshade out the front, I put a tyre around it to prevent it being trampled or parked on.

Not sure what kind of bulb this is, its always been coming up since we've lived here.

Growing Apple Cucumbers.

My Butternut Pumpkin vine.

Lovely red rose.

Hibiscus - pink.

Chilli Plant, this thing gets huge chillis on it and has an incredible output, actually all my chillis this year have been quite virulent in their production.


  1. a garden is a place of wonders

  2. Very beautiful....
    My chilli plants produced a lot of chillies this year too - I have pickled them!!
    My apple cucumbers are all done for this season, but I still have a lovely watermelon that is growing really big now...looking forward to harvesting that one!!


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