My Lammas Altar
This was my altar for the Sabbat, I decided to add in tomatoes this year because our crop has gone quite insane - we are literally getting a bucketful a day! I also took a little top off our corn, it hasn't blossomed as we'd hoped (much like some things this year) but we have hope because our second crop seems to be doing well. The jam is in there because we've been on a jam making binge - helped by cheap and free fruit made available to us. So far my fave jam is the Plum! Black Obsidian for taking the negativity I've been feeling and turning into positivity as well as spirituality, the carnelian is for passion, focus, self confidence, courage and action. I am needing clarity at this time so this altar, aside from representing seasonal elements of Lammas, also highlights the seasonal elements of me and where I need to go moving on from here.
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