Week Ahead Reading

Monday 19th August

10 of Cups

Contentment, recognition, esteem, good reputation, security

This is the card of complete emotional contentment, incorporating family and personal achievement. Because there is recognition from others for this success, reputation and social well-being are also factors. Life has meaning and purpose, there is ongoing, permanent happiness rooted in the firm foundation of knowing what has spiritual value. This is the card of family, of blood ties, enjoyed and nutured, through love that is offered and reciprocated.

2 of Wands

Boldness, fulfillment, earned success, seeking a new challenge

This card usually depicts some one on the verge of making a momentous decision, investing heavily in seeing a personal vision become reality. There is an indication of taking a chance, but with careful deliberation. Here is where what is wanted is first defined, then action is taken to secure the goals. Although there may be conflicts or a period of uncertainty, success is on the horizon. As such, this is a card of success in a venture carried out with boldness and self confidence, and the formulation of subsequent new aims, while anticipating the fruits of the current labour.

10 of Swords

End of present troubles, proven ability to defend ideas, fresh start

This card is often depicted with a body that has swords stuck into the back. At first glance, the scene is horrible, but the image literally expresses the idea of turning one’s back on troubles. This is a cutting of losses and moving on card. With impartial and careful deliberation, an unpleasant situation is assessed, and a problem is solved or allowed to take its own course fore the present. There is finality, an ending or conquering of troubles. The ability to succeed will be tested and surmounted after an initial fear of failure. Through courage and willpower, things will improve, and there may be an extreme change in a person’s life. Wisdom is also implied, for one learns lessons through the lessons of life, and things will improve after this period passes.

Well, at first glance I feel like the cards are back to front, but perhaps the message is that things don’t always happen in the ascribed order and things must be left to develop as they will. You know, when I took the deck in hand before shuffling, the word ‘death’ came to mind and this quite literally terrified me because my parents are going on a trip, but pulling the last card with the phrase ‘Through courage and willpower, things will improve, and there may be an extreme change in a person’s life’, I think.. no, I believe this means that like the Death card, there is changes coming, a transforming of circumstances that are for the better, given this message I am putting my initial fears to bed. Plus I’ve never been overly intuitive in that fashion (word and visions to mind) so I’m easing out of panic and into normal breathing. 

The first card – the ten of cups – is generally a positive card, the image is gorgeous – of the bees with the plump berries pollinating, sharing the fertility around and making sure things grow. This card is really all about seeing achievement, of gaining success in life, love and prosperity. I am happy with this card; I think it fortells of a time of happiness, love and contentment which is always wonderful. And welcome.

The two of wands intrigues me, I’m not one who is overly bold or willing to run forth and face challenge with confidence and a sure will. I’m quite lazy to be honest, but I do enjoy giving myself challenges – small ones. Perhaps I am required to elevate my confidence up a notch and go for something bold and different, to really push forth and and embrace the ideas buzzing in my brain. Much like the owl on the card, great vision is needed to see what can’t be seen at first, it can see in the dark and represents the beauty and also the predatory part of nature, of the world. I need to look beyond what is in front of me to see what can’t be seen. The Owl is a bird of wisdom, self-truth, and vision, sacred to Athena – maybe I need to embrace my inner warrior goddess.

As mentioned, the ten of swords gave me quite the fright, no one ever wants to see that kind of card when things are afoot but taking away the fear, this card represents change, of letting things go that no longer serve, of cutting losses like it states. Change inevitably follows the letting go and moving on of things in life. In the card you see this giant spider with all her little spiders moving forward thus adding to the great web of life, facing the world and finding their place in it. It’s a lesson everyone needs to learn I suppose. Maybe before things get wonderful, things get rocky, such is life and such is the experience of life. I’m now not feeling as though this card is a harbinger of doom but more a harbinger of things to come.

It’s an interesting reading overall, like I said, it almost feels like the cards are in reverse, like the elements of the ten of swords should come before the ten of cups but things may have to happen in a different order or perhaps it is just part of the whole situation – there is happiness and love ahead but tough decisions need to be made, some which may change things in my life completely and challenges me, but this needs to happen in order to move forward and find the contentment, security and success that could lie ahead.

Card info from Tarot for the Green Witch – an absolutely phenomenal tarot book by Ann Moura – the deck I used only came with a lwb.
