Herbal Experimenting

Today, cos it’s a little cold and wet outside, I thought I would have a little fun with my herbs in the kitchen. My first project was a clay face mask from ‘Grow Your Own Drugs: A Year With James Wong’, one of my most favourite herbalists on the planet – although technically he identifies as an enthnobotanist. If you’re interested in seeing some of his episodes, I listed a few from the first series here.

It didn’t turn out the lovely green his did but I think that is because his was made solely of Olive water whereas I added extra herbs to deal with problematic skin. There are more pictures of the complete process on my herbal blog.

I decided to make a homemade deodorant using a recipe I came across on Crunchy Betty for my second project. I decided to test it on my stepdad, his skin is quite tough so I thought, if he had any reaction then I would switch out the bi-carb for arrowroot powder.

I’ve also been considering making a hedge witch type of salve or ointment, as well as making faery ointment like the one I did for myself a while ago, but given the summers we have here, I don’t know if an ointment would make it through the post unscathed. I’ll suppose I’ll wait and see, got enough on my plate at the moment. I’m two assignments and an exam away from completing my Advanced Diploma of Herbalism so that is my priority at the moment. It’s been an amazing course; I’ve got 100% for every assignment so I’m really happy. My tutor told me he really enjoyed marking my assignments – so that was nice to hear.

Well, we’ll see how things turn out as I go along this winding road of herbs and magic. You never know what each day brings.
