Being Back in Business

I’m not sure I’ve ever shared this before but my day to day job is as a cook in a semi-take away place; it’s not the most exciting job or the most challenging but it pays the bills and it makes life a little bit easier. I’ve always loved cooking; my preferred medium is baking to be honest, I prefer the complexity of cakes, biscuits and breads. I’m a good cook, a decent cook and I do love doing it but I’m beginning to realise that although I love to cook my life and the current job I am in, is quite unfulfilling. I’ve always been a firm believer that you should do what you love, if that isn’t possible then you should at least be doing something that you like. I liked my job to start with; I looked forward to going to work and my shifts would go quickly. But lately the days are dragging and I don’t have the same enjoyment from it that I used to. In part workplace politics and understaffing issues causing stress and anxiety play into it and although I like most of the people I work with, I just don’t enjoy my job as much anymore.

I think over the past few months I’ve come to realise that my heart lies in a different direction. And although I will always cook and always love cooking, there is something tugging at my soul and it just won’t let go.

My Craft, my spirituality, my practice is where I am most happy. It is where I feel alive, fulfilled and creative. My path as a Witch, Rootworker, Diviner and Herbalist has always been something that I could never quite put 100% of myself into because I was afraid of failure. Fear has held me back at making a proper go of it and building the business that I really want. By no means will I be quitting my job any time soon – bills still need to be paid but it has lit a fire under me to try and focus my time, energy and abilities into creating a business that is fulfilling, powerful and creative.

It’s been a long time since I have been particularly involved in the e-commerce side of my business. I’ve kept up with posting on Facebook – selling bits here and there, sharing things on Instagram but with mundane work, health issues and just the day to day struggle of living my life, my path had wavered. I’ve always been passionate about herbs and the different applications of herbs and how they can be used in magic and medicine and that has not changed in the slightest (as is evidenced by my constant garden pictures on Instagram). But the passion for crafting had waned somewhat, I’ll admit so I hadn’t particularly done anything with it for quite some time. Depression and anxiety has a way of depleting your strength and leaving you tired. Add into that my endo – it was a recipe for just managing the energy for my day job and not much else.

I realised it takes small steps to rediscover that passion.

I decided to make some kyphi a little while ago. I love it, it is honestly the most fun incense to make – don’t get me wrong; it’s definitely a labour of love. It takes time, patience and a willingness to put your fingers into a sticky mess before it comes out as something resembling incense but it is a very tactile, hands on art.

And I forgot how much I loved making things with my hands.

It has rekindled the passion within me; I want to throw myself back into making herbal delights but also exploring other areas. I used to love making candles; there was something so therapeutic about tuning out the outside world and noise and just focusing on the task at hand. I’m an Aries; we inherently love the fire so candles and incense are a huge part of my practice. When all else fails, anointing a candle, lighting a corresponding incense stick (or burning loose incense) and incanting my wishes always brings about a deep sense of excitement and peace in my soul.

To that end, I’m focusing more on making new things, revisiting old things that I have loved to make in the past. There are going to be more incenses – some kyphi, some loose, herbal smokes, balms and salves (some made from my own plants), herbal oils, maybe even spellcrafting and more. I’m even going to be making some fixed and dressed intention pillar and jar candles and dipped dressed candles. I’ll even be listing readings once again. But this is all going to take time and effort which is always a bit hard when you have to fit it around your mundane life; as is grasping the complexities of web design. I’m designing a Wix store but it’s pretty basic, I want to put together something that has everything in it – that way I can have a central hub with my blog, store and other bits and pieces. I had thought about Shopify but right now I’m not sure I can justify the expense.

I’m also going to try and blog some more informational posts. This area of my life has also been very quiet. I haven’t had a lot to say, there has been more introspection and personal growth on my journey more so than anything else. I’m ready to begin building the business and the life I have always wanted to have; I want to be able to create powerful, gorgeous magical wares and share them with you all.

In the life I want to build I imagine my days with me waking up in the morning; a nice cup of hot tea with the Spirits before going out into the garden spending time with the plants before coming inside and beginning my witch work. I see myself spending my days creating incenses, oils, candles, balms and more (and also baking lots of yummy things because I do love to bake). I see my garden thriving and providing me with a lot of what I need. I see packages of organic herbs coming to create some things with. I see oils impregnating with the properties of the herbs that are steeping in them; slowly infusing into potent items of magic. I see candles hanging up curing; many colours, many kinds. I see jar candles, dressed and fixed with intent ready to be used to manifest magic within the lives of those who the candles are destined for. I see my hands deep in creating beautiful incense blends, kyphi and all manner of wondrous things. I can see my cats sitting there watching me – either because they love their Witch Mummy or they are waiting for food (could go either way) and I can even see my partner, exasperated with all of the craziness of crafting around the house but loving in his support of what I do (which is how he is now). I can see all of this and more because this is the life that will fulfil me, that will give me passion, purpose and free reign to create.

It’s not a dream. I refuse to let it remain just a dream. I am intent on manifesting this as my actual real life because this is the life that I want for myself and for my partner and cats. I believe it can happen and I will make it happen. The Country Witch’s Cottage is going to be more than a Facebook page; it is going to become more than just an idea. I hope that you will all join me for the ride as I begin to walk this new path and embrace this new direction.


  1. Just keep the passion for what you love doing don't let it dwindle away I have all faith in you that you dream and love for what you want to do will happen
    Love mum

  2. all power to your elbow! any workplace these sad and troubled days is becoming pressured and stressed, so here's wishing you success

  3. Definitely worth pursuing. I wish you much luck and joy as you journey through it.


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