So It's 2022

So, it’s been a year since I wrote on this blog. Again. The past three years have not been what I would call gentle for most of us. In fact, while I likened 2021 to 2020’s psychotic cousin, it seems crazy runs in the family because 2022 had everyone hold its beer. My personal life has had its ups and downs with things just becoming too much and I was officially diagnosed with depression, anxiety and stress so it’s been a bit of a year so far. Mental health is no joke and this is the year that I decided to be kind to myself and actually step up and seek help for it. I’ve always been one of those people who do the whole ‘it’s fine, I’m fine’ thing because I don’t want to burden others. Note to self: not the smart thing to do.


I’m not even sure what I want to write about, or even how to ease myself back into blogging. With the plethora of social media options these days is blogging even a thing anymore? I’ve been away from it now for the better part of 3 years with only sporadic posts the 3 years before that. I miss the connection I used to have with other bloggers, we’d comment on each other’s, we’d share. It felt like something of a community but I don’t even know if that is out there anymore since the big socials have become more prevalent in our life. Although to be fair, I rarely post on those either. I’m not social media savvy to be honest; it’s something I am trying to learn.

The Practical Witchery and Sabbat boxes are going strong; I’ve had a really great reception to them. The Sabbats have entered their second run so hopefully they will be as loved as the first go round. I’ve made the commitment since Lammas to attempt a full Sabbat run of altars at home. While I don’t necessarily celebrate every single Sabbat, I am trying to observe them as a way to push myself back into my practice more. Some of you who have been here for a long time will remember I used to love doing a good altar for the season but it’s another thing that fell by the wayside. 

I’ve got some plans moving forward, I am hoping to be more present here on the blog; I won’t promise regular posts, but I am thinking about doing some book reviews, product posts, general witchcraft posts. It’s more of a see when the inspiration strikes type thing. So here’s to trying to get back on the horse again….let’s see how this goes.


  1. well I wish to read more of your blogs, thanks for writing again.

  2. Thank you Ness, I am really going to try and hopefully I can get back into the swing of it.


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