As we move past Imbolc; the Cailleach has loosened her cloak somewhat; the days are starting to stay a little bit lighter, the sun is coming out a bit more often and we’ve even been experiencing some warmer weather. I always know when it’s Imbolc or thereabouts, the Jonquils and Daffodils bloom. Much of the world is still asleep and there is green for days as farmers crops begin to grow. We experience our harvest season Oct – March here in Australia. The fruit trees are starting to bud now, the mulberry is already sprouting leaves; the Oak has tiny buds but will soon sprout the lush green that she so often sports. As much as I love winter, I do fall in love with early spring when everything awakes. Fruit trees bloom, bulbs burst forth in bright colours, bees are buzzing in delight – the Earth begins her cycle of renewal, growth and blooming.
With any luck, the second half will be better; wishes made on the Leo New Moon moving toward the August Supermoon, one can only hope that the warmer days bring happier times and joyful tidings. I have hopes and dreams that I would like to see begin blooming with the Spring season; times are hard in the world right now so I am trying to take pleasure in the small things and enjoy them in my life. A bee buzzing, my cat acting like a right goober, growing my own vegetables, harvesting herbs from the garden…simple things in life to make each day uniquely its own. I think that is the lesson of 2022, take happiness in the small things while you work toward the bigger things because right now the world is a mess and if we focus all of our attention on the outward big scary things I think we’ll all go a little mad.
Happy Imbolc all. May the seeds you plant during this season bring you a beautiful harvest in the months to come.
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