Illness, Beltaine, Markets…the Final Push


Today is the traditional day of Beltaine (the astrological date is the 7th of Nov); the sun has come out intermittently after days of rain and winds. The seasons have been very interesting this year, they’ve not been like years before however they (minus the flooding) remind me of what the weather was like when we moved here to SA in 1994. Life has been somewhat quiet which is how I like it, although for the second time in as many months I have been hit hard with the flu which is not fun. Coming up I have the SA Viking Festival in Victor Harbour SA on 5/6th November. I like catching up with everyone and the fellow market stall holders are wonderful people, it’s a real community of folks who have a shared passion. Market prep week is always a bit hectic, I think this week is the first one this year where I’ve not had boxes as well going out the same week. It’s almost a whole new experience for me.

With that, I thought I would share some of the beautiful nature around me at the moment in the garden (both mine and the garden at the cottage). I do love when all the colour is about, it just uplifts the mood and makes everything look so gorgeous.

Have a wonderful Beltaine season!
